Have you ever noticed that some essential oils are very pricy, while others are easy on the budget? Let's talk about several factors that make a difference in your essential oil's price tag.
How much plant it takes to produce an essential oil
Some essential oils, like Rose, require more plant material to get the same amount of oil. It takes about 5,000 pounds of fresh rose petals to obtain just one pint of Rose essential oil.
Ease of harvest and plant time sensitivity
Certain botanicals can be extremely sensitive and need to be harvested at a specific time of day to yield the highest amount and best quality of oil. This leaves a very small window to get any meaningful yield.
Rarity of the plant
Plants like lavender and lemon are extremely common, while others -- like blue tansy -- are much scarcer.
Shipping costs
Farming the plants in their natural environments in habitats that replicate their native environments is crucial to producing the best-quality oil. Sometimes this means oils have to be shipped from different countries, which adds transportation costs to the price of oil production.
Whether they contain synthetic fillers
Oil singles should have only one ingredient; the single essential oil. When it comes to blends, there will be multiple ingredients listed, but make sure those ingredients are other essential oils or carrier oils like jojoba.
What makes Young Living different from other oil companies?
Many companies -- particularly those with unusually low price points -- often compromise on their sourcing, formulation, process, or other elements of production. On the other hand, Young Living sets the industry standard for quality with our strict Seed to Seal quality commitment, which involves overseeing the essential oil production process from start to finish. This results in oils and oil-infused products you can use with peace of mind in every part of your life.